Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iron On.....Maven Style

I am having so much fun doing mavenly things, I should designate the whole gift section of my market to Maven Style...

Here's my rendition of an iron on..... need comments. Good, Bad and Ugly. Not personally crazy about the graphics, but its all I had!

This may be small..... so feel free to enlarge it or whatever!
The top part would be on the front of the tee.... well, on mine at least... and the bottom part would be on the back. The great thing about this is that you can get that iron on paper at any office supply store and play around until your hearts content!


Anonymous said...

I like it! I was wanting a mavenly baseball cap to wear on bad hair days. This would be great with the HHM on the front and the slogan on the back. We can educate people coming and going!

Anonymous said...

I had another thought too. If Teresa Sue was able work up an iron-on with the original badge design, that's something I'd like to see. Of course, TS, that's if you have the design ready to go. Don't want to put more eggs in your nest than you can comfortably sit on.