Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wish lists and walking the right paths

I think it is empowering to be able to stand with my sister Mavens and make a stand against the destruction of heirlooms that have served us, sometimes for centuries. There is power in the written word. A peaceful movement starts with one person and an idea. And that is what we have going. A movement away from the GMO foods and before that, seeds that make up the most of what we eat. Each one of us has the power to change that, change what we think, what we grow, what we feed our selves and our families. We have the basic right to clean, pure food and that is why we are here and what we are doing. Saving seeds of precious heirlooms, that belong to the people, NOT to the corporations. Growing food that we are not afraid to put in our bodies. Saving seed now so that tomorrows children will still have it to carry on with.

I am here as the information and link person, so I guess I had better get busy and hop off my soap box for the moment

The other thing that I want to bring up to the Mavens is the making of personal wish and planting lists so that we know what we have got going and perhaps a list of endangered plants that we can work towards saving
.I will start looking for endangered heirlooms
These are things that we can all work on, and we have some months of the autumn and winter to get it together
